Over the 85 years of its history, the Korean Theater has experienced several relocations and changes in its address. The places of its deployment were: Vladivostok – Kyzylorda – Ushtobe – Kyzylorda – Almaty. Since 1999, the State Republican Academic Korean Theater of Musical Comedy has been located in the building of the former Zhalyn cinema. Over the years spent in the building at st. Papanin 70/1, dozens of new performances and concert programs were staged. On the 70th anniversary year, the theater was visited by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. Also, its guests of honor were statesmen and public figures of our country, the Republic of Korea, and other countries. But as time goes forward, our country is developing dynamically. Leader of the Nation, Elbasy, N.A. Nazarbayev puts before us new large-scale tasks. The basis for their implementation is the Program for the modernization of public consciousness “Rukhani Zhangyru”. An important place in it is given to culture, including theatrical art. The modern development of Kazakhstan has made it possible to strengthen its infrastructure, as evidenced by important steps to expand the material base of the Kazakh State Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after. S. Kurmangazy, as well as the State Republican Academic Korean Theater of Musical Comedy and the Republican German Academic Drama Theater. In pursuance of Government Decree No. 07-03-190/811-i dated April 02, 2018, on May 23 at 12:00 in Almaty, a solemn ceremony was held to transfer the building to the State Republican Academic Korean Theater of Musical Comedy at the address – st. Bogenbay batyr 158, which previously housed the Kazakh State Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after. S. Kurmangazy. Representatives of state and public organizations addressed the team and the theater spectators with congratulatory words: Director of the Department for Culture and Art of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zholamanov Abil; Consul General of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea John Seung Min; Director of the Kazakh State Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after Kurmangazy Nurgisa Daueshov; President of the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan Sergey Ogay; Deputy Chairman of the Almaty Korean National Center Georgy Kan; President of the Koryo Noin Public Foundation Afanasy Kim; Chairman of the Council of Elders of the ACC Ivan Pak, as well as a representative of the St. Petersburg University for the Humanities. In a response speech, the director of the State Republican Academic Korean Musical Comedy Theater Lyubov Nee thanked the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayeva, the Ministry of Culture, and personally Minister Arystanbek Mukhamediuly for the transfer of the building, and also assured that the theater staff will never forget the state’s concern for preserving the cultural heritage of the Koreans of Kazakhstan. Then the representative of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zholamanov Abil, the oldest actress of the group Maya Pak and the director of the Korean Theater Lyubov Nee cut the symbolic ribbon and invited everyone to get acquainted with the premises of the building, which, according to the director of the orchestra named after. Kurmangazy Nurgisa Daueshov has long been a real temple of culture.