Сон в зимнюю ночь

Premiere of the New Year’s theatrical performance “A Midwinter Night’s Dream”

On February 1 and 2, the premiere of the Lunar New Year’s theatrical performance “A Midwinter Night’s Dream” took place [...]

Контуры фонтома спектакль

«Contours of a phantom»

Dear friends! On January 17 and 18 on the stage of the Korean theater premiere of the first dance performance-laboratory [...]

Артисты Корейского театра в городе Сеул

Artists of the Korean Theater in Seoul!

On December 28, a plastic-dramatic performance of the "Embrace of the Gumiho" was staged in the Grand Hall of the [...]

Культура без границ

Culture Without Borders

Today, the Korean Theater hosted the charity New Year’s performance of “The Snow Queen”! We were delighted to welcome children [...]


«Kumiho» is flying to Korea!

Today, at 7:00 pm the performance of the plastic-drama play "Embrace of Kumiho", based on the ancient Korean legend of [...]

Премьера спектакля «Мотылек»

Premiere of the philosophical drama «the Moth»

On December 16 and 17 on the stage of the Korean Theater the premiere of the philosophical drama «the Moth», [...]

Ни Любовь Августовна


Artistic Director of the Republican State Academic Korean Theatre, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Ni Lyubov Augustovna [...]

Молодёжное движение потомков героев Кореи «Doknip-Patriot»

The Doknip-Patriot youth movement of descendants of Korean heroes on the stage of the Korean theatre

Today, a joint event with the Doknip-Patriot (@doknip_patriot) Youth Movement of Descendants of Korean Heroes took place on the stage [...]