Today, a joint event with the Doknip-Patriot (@doknip_patriot) Youth Movement of Descendants of Korean Heroes took place on the stage of the Korean Theater. It was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Memorial Day for the Fighters for Korean Independence. This joint event proved once again that the Korean theater, as the center of Korean culture and art of Kazakhstan, also carries a spiritual mission – fostering patriotism among the younger generation. We believe that through art, through emotional and sensory perception, it is possible for the younger generation to develop a sense of attachment and love for their Homeland.
Children and Youth of “Doknip–Patriot”, who are descendants of the fighters for the independence of Korea, had been directly involved in the premier performance “A Place to Step Forward”. They are the grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren of fighters who were fated to find themselves on the Kazakh land, who lived, worked and found eternal peace here. Heartfelt monologues about freedom, love, family, native land, in just two lines, spoken by children from stage, carried a message to everyone that our future depends on us! Through the pain, fear and despair of those who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the future, the young artists were able to unite the hearts of all who were in the concert hall. It is impossible not to mention the work of our professionals – Ekaterina Pen and Anna Tsoi, who put their hearts into their work. It was an interesting experience to work with children who were on stage for the first time as actors.
Several people from “Doknip-Patriot” were awarded scholarships established by the South Korean “Hyundai Clinic” in collaboration with the Kazakh company “Shin line group”.
We thank all the participants of this event!
Thank you for sharing this evening with us!