On April 13, the State Republican Academic Korean Theater of Musical Comedy hosted a concert performance “Through Generations”, the program of which included numbers prepared under the guidance of choreographers of the Cultural Heritage Association.
Within the framework of the Cooperation Protocol concluded with the State Association for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Korea, a group of choreographers from the Republic of Korea arrived at the State Republican Academic Korean Theater of Musical Comedy to conduct another master class.
Association employees collect information about traditional songs, dances and playing folk instruments throughout the Republic of Korea and preserve unique numbers for future generations of Koreans around the world.
Thanks to the program of master classes, vocal and dance performances of traditional genres, such as “Imsil nongak”, “Bukchon Saja nori” and others, appeared in the repertoire of the Korean Theater. Not only the ballet of the national Korean dance, but also the artists of the theater’s drama troupe take part in classes with South Korean masters.
Since 2013, the Cultural Heritage Association of the Republic of Korea has been conducting visiting seminars and invitation seminars to teach the cultural heritage of ethnic Koreans, and is also making every effort to develop and popularize it. This year, our partners brought a new program “Hakyeong hwadaehapsolmu – Dance of the cranes”, as well as amazingly colorful costumes. The head of the group of choreographers, Ms. Yi Hwa Dyong, and her assistant, Ms. Choe Hyung Son, noted that the artists of our Korean theater, thanks to their excellent choreographic training, quickly master new numbers.
Before the start of the concert, Kim Dong Ha, head of cultural promotion of this Association, gave a welcoming speech. According to the leader, “tears in the eyes when you see on the stage the traditional work of the Koreans of Kazakhstan, who live so far from their historical homeland.”
The artists of our theater performed the dance number “Hakyon hvadehapsolmu – Dance of the Cranes”. The palace dance “Haganmu”, “Pukchon Lion Games” (this costumed dance is under the protection of UNESCO) and other numbers were also performed.
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