On November 30, the Korean theater opened its 87th theater season. The opening of the new theatrical season was timed to coincide with the Day of the first President. As Lyubov Avgustovna, director of the theater Nee, noted in her welcoming speech, “… a balanced domestic and foreign policy pursued by the Head of State ensured the creation of a modern, dynamically developing state with a socially oriented economy, where legal and socio-economic conditions are observed for the harmonious and comprehensive development of citizens observance of their rights and freedoms…”.
Proof of this is the fact that the Korean theater is opening its 87th theatrical season with academic status in a new building in the city center.
In connection with the move to the cultural center of the city of Almaty, the theatrical season was opened not with a performance, as it was in previous years, but with a theatrical play of “There is no more beautiful land than mine”, which presented the best choreographic, vocal and poetic performances of the theater.
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