There are Artists whom people know, love and respect for their excellent skill and professionalism and excellent human qualities…
And there are also artists who want fame at any cost, if only they would be recognized and remembered …
therefore, they managed to draw into this intrigue such great masters as Bibigul Tulegenova, whom we can only sympathize that she had to make excuses …

But the respected and beloved Bibigul Akhmetovna is, of course, right:
How can one speak of the resignation of a person who, by lovingly doing their work, has earned the respect and approval of almost the entire creative union of the Republic? ..
And when will we live up to the point where we stop envying and hating, and learn to love and enjoy Life?..
We must remember the words of the great Omar Khayyam:
… Life is a boomerang,
Everyone gets what is deserved…
Black thoughts
Will return as sickness
bright thoughts
as Divine light.
If you didn’t think
Think about it…
Biz birgemiz!
Artists of the State Republican Academic Korean Theater.