I am deeply grateful to the First President, Elbasy, Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev.
Under his leadership in Independent Kazakhstan, in the most difficult conditions of the formation of a young state, close attention has always been paid to the development and preservation of culture, as the genetic code of the nation, its renewal and expansion.
A clear confirmation of this is the epochal programs: “Mangilik el”, “Rukhani zhangyru” and “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”.
The entire history of the country under the leadership of the First President has always been aimed at maintaining stability, peace and harmony for the benefit of the people.
And his decision to award the title of “Academic” to ethnic theaters, including the Korean theater, is the result of the attention and care of the President.
We confidently look to the future of our Motherland Kazakhstan, following the course of the First President.
Nee Lyubov Avgustovna – director of the theater, Honored Figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of the II degree Dostyk Order, member of the APK, vice president of the Association of Theaters of Kazakhstan.