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Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission (Associate Professor)
Head of the Pedagogy of Choreography Department of The Kazakh National Academy of Arts.
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Born February 27, 1958 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
Worked in the theater from 1977 to 1996.
Worked at the State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a choreographer from 1996 t0 2017
She has been working in the theater since 2006.
1977 – Diploma of the Alma-Ata Choreographic School named after Seleznev, specialty “Artist of Folk Dance Ensemble”
1999 – Diploma of the Kazakh State Institute of Theater and Cinema named after. T. K. Zhurgenova, specialty “Director-choreographer”
Highest professional qualification “Stage Master”
Award list
Order “Dostyk” II degree
Medal “25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Medal “20th Anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”
Medal “550th Anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate”
Honorary Diploma of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan
Honorary Diploma of the Social Consortium of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan
Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Honorary Diploma of the Union of Theater Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan
“Sakhnager” Award of the Association of Theaters of Kazakhstan, in nomination “Chalet Master of the Year”
Kim Dean Award
Diploma of Akim of Almaty city
As a choreographer:
The play “Gen Wu and Tig Ne”, Tsai Yong
Performance “Yang San Byak”, Yong Sen Nen
The play “Who, if not you?”, Lee Dya-hyun, insc. A. Pashkov
The play “Kim Seon-dal’s Tricks”, Han Ding
The play “The Hostess of the Hotel”, K. Goldoni
Performance “The Legend of Chun Hyang”, Lee Yong-ho
Performance “Winter’s Tale”, A. Malyuchenko
The play “The Legend of Sim Chen”, Choi Yong Geun
The play “The Irony of Love or the Adventures of Kisaeng in Aziop”, Choi Yong Geun
The play “Village Quadrille”, based on the play by V. Gurkin “Baikal Quadrille”
The performance “The Fairy’s Path in the Garden”, A. Kim
The play “And it’s all about the woman”, based on the play by G. Lorca “The House of Bernarda Alba”
The play “The Tale of the Yangban”, Yong Sen Yong
Concert “Colorful song”
Concert “Lyric of Hearts”
Concert “New Year’s Illusion”
Concert “Ledum Flowers in the Steppe Land”
Theatrical performance “Mouse fuss”.
Theatrical performance “The Path of the Diaspora”
Theatrical performance “Bound by one fate”
Theatrical performance “Zheruyik”
Theatrical performance “Asia’s mysterious sound”
Theatrical performance “Blessed be forever”
Theatrical performance “New Year’s Moonlight”
Solemn concert dedicated to “Constitution Day” (Central Concert Hall “Kazakhstan”, Astana, 2010-2013, 2017)
Solemn concert for “Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan” (“Palace of Peace and Accord”, Astana, 2009-2014, 2017)
Solemn concert for “Day of National Unity” (“Palace of Peace and Accord”, Astana, 2010, 2011)
Solemn concert for “Days of Culture of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Korea” (Seoul, 2010)
Solemn concert dedicated to the opening of the 6th session of the OSCE (Central Concert Hall “Kazakhstan”, Astana, 2010).
Solemn concert of the Olympic Flame Lighting Ceremony “VI Winter Asian Games” (Astana Square, Almaty, 2011)
Festival of Arts of the SCO Member States (“Palace of Peace and Accord”, Astana, 2011)
Festival of Culture of the EurAsEC Peoples (“Palace of Peace and Accord”, Astana, 2011)
Solemn concert for “10th Anniversary Summit of the Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization” (Central Concert Hall “Kazakhstan”, Astana, 2011)
Alumni Festival “Ak-Zhol” (Central Stadium, Almaty, 2002-2004)
Retro-festival “Almaty – my first love” (“Palace of the Republic”, Almaty, 2004-2009)
Eurasia International Film Festival (Palace of the Republic, Almaty, 2006)
National holiday “Nauryz” (Republic Square, Astana Square, Almaty, 2007-2009)
Solemn concert for “City Day” (Almaty, 2008-2009, Astana, 2011, 2015)
Solemn concert for “20th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Central Concert Hall “Kazakhstan”, Astana, 2011)
Solemn concert “Astana – the capital of the Turkic world” (“Palace of Peace and Accord”, Astana, 2012)
Solemn concert “Astana – the cultural capital of the Commonwealth” (Central Concert Hall “Kazakhstan”, Astana, 2012)
Solemn concert “Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Central Concert Hall “Kazakhstan”, Astana, 2011, 2013)
Gala concert of the EurAsEC Summit (Astana Opera, Astana, 2014)
Solemn concert “550 years of the Kazakh Khanate” (Ice complex “Barys”, Astana, 2015)
Solemn concert “25 years of peace and harmony”, the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (cycle track “Sary-Arka”, Astana, 2016)
Solemn concert “25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (“Astana-Opera”, Astana, 2016)
As a stage director and choreographer, she staged and conducted more than 50 theatrical and concert programs of state and republican significance
As a choreographer of dances and dance programs, she collaborated with the following organizations:
State Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
National Opera and Ballet Theater
Almaty choreographic school named after A. Selezneva,
The Kazakh National Academy of Arts
Ensemble “Shalkyma” of the State Philharmonic of Astana
Ensemble “Akku” of the Karaganda Regional Philharmonic
Ensemble “Altynay” of the Almaty Regional Philharmonic Society
Ensemble “Altynbubi”