A unique theatrical project brings together three national theaters of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the Republican State Academic Korean Theater of Musical Comedy, the K. Kuzhamyarov Republican State Academic Uighur Theater of Musical Comedy, and the Republican Academic German Drama Theater. This initiative is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
The primary goal of the project is to strengthen intercultural and creative connections, expand audiences, facilitate professional exchange, and encourage collaboration.
Theater serves as a vital tool for preserving and transmitting cultural values. In Kazakhstan’s multicultural society, theatrical art plays a crucial role in fostering intercultural dialogue and strengthening interethnic relations. This project aims to promote cultural diversity and develop new forms of theatrical collaboration.
The program includes a series of events designed to encourage interaction between theater ensembles and enhance the professional skills of actors.
On February 27, the second stage of the creative laboratory took place at the Korean Theater. It is encouraging that this initiative has drawn interest not only from students in creative disciplines but also from educators, theater critics, and news media.
The project was initiated by Ekaterina Pen, stage director of our theater. The core working group consists of graduate students from the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, all of whom are stage directors and actors from the three national theaters.
We hope this project will unite young artists from our city’s theaters, especially given that similar experiences have already taken place in Almaty, albeit with variations in approach and format.
Stay tuned for more updates!